What is Google 9870807070 SMS Channels ?
Google SMS Channels, in simple words, is a free SMS broadcasting and subscription service by Google, available to people of India. With the help of it, you can get SMS notifications of content from SMS groups and different websites and blogs with RSS feature.
Google SMS Channel uses the number – 9870807070. You can create your own SMS channel to which people can subscribe to. It could be about anything, Jokes, Cricket scores, RSS feed etc. There are no charges involved with this service, and people will be able receive SMS for free.
1. How to: Create a Channel
To create a channel, send a SMS in the following format to 9870807070:
CREATE <channel name> <description>
Example:- CREATE techakhil Latest Tech Updates from techakhil directly to your mobile
(Please note that the channel name’s should contain a minimum of 8 characters)
2. How to: Send a Message to a Channel
To create a channel, send a SMS in the following format to 9870807070:
SEND <channel_name> <message>
The message will be forwarded to all the subscribers.
Example:- SEND techakhil This is a test message
3. How to: Subscribe to a Channel
To subscribe to a channel, send a SMS in the following format to 9870807070:
ON <channel name>
4. How to: Search for a Channel
For searching, send a SMS to 9870807070 as :
SEARCH <keywords>
You will get a SMS containing upto 3 keywords related to your search query. To get more search results, send:
MORE <keywords>
5. How to: Modify a Channel
To modify the properties of a channel, Send SMS to 9870807070 as given:
- To make the channel Public:
MODIFY <channel name> PUB
2. To make the channel Private i.e., users can only join by an invitation by the owner:
MODIFY <channel name> PRI
3. To make the channel Publish Privilege Limited i.e., only the owner can publish SMS:
MODIFY <channel name> PRISEND
4. To let all the subscribers to publish:
MODIFY <channel name> PUBSEND
6. How to: Unsubscribe from a Channel
To unsubscribe from a channel, simply send a SMS to 9870807070 in this format:
OFF <channel name>
7. How to: Enable Do Not Disturb (DND) feature
You can opt-out of all future SMS if you don’t wish to receive them from SMS Channel by sending:
to 9870807070.
(To opt-in for SMS again, send – dndoff)
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